Tools needed: 

  • Mesh Bag
  • High-quality Compost
  • 5 gallon bucket or compost-tea-making kit with aerator


1) Fill mesh bag with a large scoop of the compost.

2) Fill the bucket with water and submerge the mesh bag.

3) If you're not using an aerator - stir the mixture once daily for about a week to brew a healthy compost tea. If using an aerator - submerge the pumice end of the mechanism into the water, close the lid and plug it in. 

4) The pump will circulate fresh air into the tea, encouraging beneficial organism growth. The tea will be ready in about 36 hours using a pump. 

5) The finished tea can be sprayed on the lawn with a hose-end sprayer or throw a sprinkler. A siphon draws the tea out of the bucket and into a hose.