The robot mower can be run at a certain time of the day to avoid children, irrigation systems, and pets.
The robot mower cutting height can manually be adjusted to cut from about 1.25 inches up to 3.6 inches. Our 4-inch models should be available by the end of 2020.
The robot mowers we use can handle a 40%-45% gradient and 22°-24° slope depending on which robot mower unit you use.
Robot mowers mow according to an algorithm which to us appears to be a random pattern. Cutting in straight lines/stripping is not good for your lawn. Since robot mowers mow more frequently it will create a carpeting effect on your lawn leaving your grass completely even.
Robot mowers can handle leaves and sticks from trees.
Process to prepare a yard for a robot mower install.
Robot mowers mow the perimeter of the lawn in a straight pattern but then mow randomly across the lawn.
The robot mower comes with a 3 year homeowner limited warranty.
The robot mower lives at a base docking station that we install at your home.
Passage is used to change the way the robot mower travels back to the docking station to prevent leaving tracks in the turf along the perimeter wire.
The effects of rain on a robot mowers operation.
The Worx Landroid handles large obstacles by bumping into them and turning around. The Anti-Collision System (ACS) accessory is available as an add-on to help your Landroid sense obstacles via ultrasonic detection and navigate around them instead of running over or bumping into them.
A robot mowing service has the following costs: robot mower unit purchase, robot mower installation, robot mower yearly maintenance, and edging and string trimming.
The robot mower will determine the mowing schedule based on inputs such as avoiding irrigation times and high-traffic use.
Robot mowers are safe for kids and pets.
Troubleshooting for the robot mower docking station status LED display.
Robot mowing standard professional installation details on what is and what is not included in an installation.
If the robot mower is stolen it can be easily found with it's GPS tracking device.
Grass clippings fall back down to the soil where they decompose and provide fertilizer-like nutrients to the roots.
If you have an existing dog fence, the radio frequency from the dog fence could potentially interfere with the radio frequency of the Worx Landroid boundary wire, rendering both fences inoperative. Landroid is not recommended to be installed within 3 feet (1m) of an existing dog fence.
The most common issue with robot mowers is perimeter wire breaks. They can be caused by moles, squirrels, humans, and other creatures.
We use STIHL battery-powered equipment, and iMow robotic mowers for our commercial and residential properties. Additionally, we use Mean Green Products battery-powered mowers where necessary.
The robot mowers can handle slopes up to 22 degrees while our 1 acre robot mower can handle slopes up to 24 degrees.
A single standard robot mower can handle properties up to 1/4 acre (about 1/2 acre of grass). We also have a robot mower that can handle properties up to 1 acre (about 3/4 acre of grass).
3 razor blades attached to a rotating disc.